Established in 1963, Petron Sports developed as a family owned archery business serving the UK market. Over the years the product range has continuously expanded to cover the full archery spectrum from entry level leisure products, through to a wide range of recreational products, and up to top end elite equipment.
In 2002, we entered the toy market with our first sucker dart product. The success of this product lead to the launch of the Stealth brand in 2010, which is aimed at the 14+ age group and then in 2016 the Sureshot brand was developed as a dedicated toy brand, aimed the 6+ age group. These brands know have 27 products in the range with further developments from2022.
Whilst the product range and market reach Petron offers today is a world apart from its origin in 1963, the passion to enable people all over the world to enjoy archery is as strong as ever.